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The 9th China Conference on Analytic Philosophy


The Ninth China Conference on Analytic Philosophy will be held on August 20 to 22, 2014, at Southwest University in Chongqing. It is organized by the committee on analytic philosophy of China Association of Contemporary Foreign Philosophy, and department of philosophy at Southwest University in Chongqing. The aim of this conference is to gather philosophers and scholars in other fields within China and abroad to discuss problems in analytic philosophy and other fields in analytic approach.

The focus of the 9th China Conference on Analytic Philosophy will be logic and language. Anyone who is interested in participation in the conference is required to submit papers. Papers should focus on those following but not exclusive areas:

·   Philosophy of Language

·   Philosophy of Logic

·   Other topics related to logic, language and philosophy

Unpublished papers are especially expected. It is expected that each accepted paper be presented at the meeting by one of its authors. Papers should be submitted in Micro-Word format. For authors who use latex, please send the source text file and related files. Papers only in English are welcome. Papers must be submitted to the email address for the conference: anphil2014@163.com or mmh.thu@gmail.com

所属学科:    哲学

开始日期:    2014-08-20

结束日期:    2014-08-22

所在国家:    中华人民共和国

所在城市:    重庆市     北碚区

具体地点:    西南大学

主办单位:    西南大学哲学系、中国现代外国哲学学会分析哲学专业委员会

全文截稿日期:    2014-06-01

[ 会务组联系方式 ]

联系人:       Professor Minghui Ma

联系电话:    +86-23-68367798

E-MAIL      mmh.thu@gmail.com

会议网站:    http://logic.swu.edu.cn/zxdt.php?id=229
